Warning: Undefined array key "lang" in /customers/5/5/b/kryzz.se/httpd.www/rules/kz_sinkship.php on line 10
Sink ships
Start with the given squares, add water where you know that there shouldn't be any ships. If there are some given ship segments you can also make those squares to water since no ship is allowed to be close to another.
Ship segment are first grey since there are not enoough information to know which kind of ship it is.
Ship segments become black when the surrounding squares are valid. If you add a ship segment to close to another ship, they become red to indicate that it is not valid.
Fill those squares that are given with either water or ship segments.
Make sure that you do not get too many ship segments in any row or column.
Finally there is only onw square left. The number of ship segments for all rows and columns should be as given for a correct solution.
The final result.