Warning: Undefined array key "lang" in /customers/5/5/b/kryzz.se/httpd.www/rules/kz_fence.php on line 10
Make a continous line from dot to dot, either horizontally or vertically.
The line MUST not cross itself.
The given numbers state how many surrounding line segments for the cell.
Cells without a number can have any number of line segments (including 0).
Warning: Undefined array key "lang" in /customers/5/5/b/kryzz.se/httpd.www/rules/fence.php on line 11
The cells background is white when the surrounding lines are fewer than the given value (except for 0 which is white even when no lines).
The cells background becomes green when the surrounding lines are equal to the given value. This does not necessarily mean that the lines are correct, just that the number of surroundig lines are correct. If there are more surrounding lines than the given value then the background becomes red.
Example: A cell with value 3 besides a cell with value 0, gives how to draw the line.