Warning: Undefined array key "lang" in /customers/5/5/b/kryzz.se/httpd.www/rules/album.php on line 7
Warning: Undefined array key "lang" in /customers/5/5/b/kryzz.se/httpd.www/rules/album.php on line 34
- An album is like a book with several pages.
- The album has a first page that idenitifies the album. It also includes name, type of game and level.
- You can change page by clicking on that page.
Warning: Undefined array key "lang" in /customers/5/5/b/kryzz.se/httpd.www/rules/album.php on line 51
- There are surveys and pictures in the album.
- By selecting a game in a survey you get directly to the game.
- You can go back and forth in the album's pages.